Femininity and Open Space Searching for Open Space Marianne is in her fifties and lives in the countryside outside one of the major European capitals with her husband Peter. She was not very happy about the sea voyage on the Hurtigruta since she has always been a little afraid of the sea. Peter had said that it would not be like the sea at all, and this he ought to know as he has been a sailor all his life. Marianne thought they would be going to and fro between small islands, but in her view this is not what they did. Being at sea was not a good experience for her. She had planned to get off the ship in Tromsø because she really was not happy about the experience. Nevertheless, Marianne continued and this surprised her. When we arrived at Kirkenes two days later, the final port on the northbound route, I learned that Marianne had left the ship and taken a plane to Oslo.