With Guise’s death, the governement of Champagne and Brie became vacant. Henri III was appointed to the post Lodovico de Gonzague, duc de Nevers, with Joachim de Dinteville continuing as lieutenant-general. Champagne became a focal point of major campaigning in the summer of 1592, resulting in the siege, capture and recapture of Epernay. In the towns of Champagne, there is no evidence of the social tensions and antagonism which divided the capital, a pattern seen in provincial cities throughout France. The assassination of Henri III in August 1589, and the accession of the Huguenot Navarre as Henri IV, though significant in many other ways, did nothing to change the basic alignment of forces in Champagne. In the wars which followed the murders of the Guises until the pacification of the province in the mid-1590s, Champagne was rarely the focal point of major campaigns.