TV->4 ^ dear and faithful Husband, Friend and Brother, begotten oT J i t y j l »>J Eternal Father* of theAmmortal Seed of the Covenant of Light, Life and Hleffedneffe\ / have unity and fellowfkip with the* iaj and night, to my great rcfrefhmtnt and continual comfort y praifrJ» fraifes be given to our God for ever more > who hath joined m together' in that which neither Sea nor Land can fepaTate or divide. . , My dear hearty my foul doth dearly faint e thee, with my dear and frtwus Children %which are dear and precious in the Light of the Lor&% to thy enilefl joy> and my everlafling comfortj glory be to our * Lord God ettrnaltj> who hath called yon atth a holy Calling, and hath caufed his Beauty tofhine'.upon yon in this the day of his Power, wherein he is m*- kin( Hp °f his jewels * and binding up of his faithful ones, in the Bond of evcrUjling Love and Salvation) among whom he hath numbred yon of his om free Grace\in which I befeech yon ( dear hearts) in the fear of the Lord to abide in your meaf aresy according to the manifeflatioh of the Hevelation of the Son of God in you^ keep a diligent watch over every thought, word and action, and let your minis be Jtaid continually in the Ligbt'Whert you will find out the fnares and baits t f Satan, andbepre* ftrvtdout of hi* Traps»Nets and Pits, that you may ncrt fo captivated by him at hi* will.. Oh my dear Husband and Childrenyhow often have I poured out my foul to our everlafling Father for yoitjviihfyverf of tears*. night and day, that you might be kfpt pure arid fingle in the fight, of our Goiy improving four Talents as wift Kirgms\ haying * Oyl in yoUt V^ efftlsytndyour Lamps burnings andcloathed with the long white Robes of Righteoufnefi* rtfidy to enter the Bed-Chamber > tnd t$ flip with the 1

‘ • ’ ' V ’ * . < : ' Latttb '

Lamb) and to feed at the Feaft of fa t thingSy where jour fonts may be nourifhed, refrefhed 9 comforted» and fatisfied f never to hunger agam.