Then theEnglifh Fryar which was here, came op and down to'-* iK.anddownto uf, and would fjy to my Friend, Sheisreadyti defUtt\fendfor wr, and t*ke mice nh.it torment (he mil be in • a tb>Hjit*)! Devils w;ll he about her, to fetch her foul to Hell, l>ec*<ife jhewill mt ht *r'<tifolifk., And after we were parted, w e were called to' fad, fo that my Friend was fo weak, that fheput on fuchlinnen upon her head, as flic thought to lie in her G rave: We did eac btitlittlein a Month together, when our money vva* almoU done/till vve did know the mind of the Lord w hat co do. Then' they did run to and fro like mad men, and the Fryars did come* and fay, The I nquifitor fent them to tell u s , w e might have any thing vve would cat; and they did fay , it was not poftiblc that cvtr creature* could live with fo little meat for fo long a time to­ gether. They bring us meat, and fay, the EnglifhConful did* fend it. IcvvasagloriomFaftindeed, the Lord didappiar w o n - ' dtrfully in it, praifcs be given to him for ever, Amen, '

We were very weak, becaufc the power did.vvork To ftrohg-.- W ; I had no manner of food in my body five or fix days toge* thcr ; We did lie in clothes, becaufe vvt had no ftrength to pair them off, nor one to make our bed: Then vve did fprak to thef Ftyiuvthat we might come together; but he faid they hisd!*wfcfwh order; if w e would halrca Phyfirian', vvtttriight. Anti fhjnre-;- mlay.none knowing from morning to morning vvhfctber'wc. ^fc^cador alive, . We were kept qqiccsrtd flrll till the Lbhi’i

;v '•(?%) come i they brought many thing* for us jo eat :-Then • •

fsid qnto Sarah ifhe Jhonlci eat of the frHttofhtr hands, and be btejfei, " , Andwedidcat,and,wcrerefrefl«d,and glorified tbe Lord;.We did cry mightily.utoo the. Lord night and day, that we might not

, eat nor drink to offend him , w c would rather d y ^ The Lord w a s well pleafed with our Sacrifice, and did encreafe our flrcngth, and adminiArcd. cqmfort.to us v honor and glory be to

j bit bltffcd Name forever. In the loweft of all out conditions, we were kept a top of. all the Mountains,fo that they.could not tntfce

. h, .hrink or bow one. jot or tittle ,to any of their Preceptsor Commands. Yet the Fryars have.cotnmandcd uvin.tbe^amcaf their God to kneel w ith them in prayer,

'-The time js.too little for me to difclofe the twentieth pm„of the terrible trial* 11 but,jvhenfoever we were brought upon any tryal, the Lord did take away all fear from us,and multiplied ow flrengtb, and gaveu* power and boldricfs to plead for the truth of the Lord Jefu*, and Wifdom of .Word* to flop the mouthiof 'the.gain-fayeri, that they y vculd be made to fay we.fpake truth} they could Dever.fay otherwife : But they would fay, We had not the true faith,- but.we Itfd all virtue**. Oh dear heart/if it be oar Eternal Father's good-pleafurc to carry thee pway without pi,

.w e do befeeh our,H«avenlylFather,to biefs, and.to give thee„a tjjofperou* re tu rn ,and to feed thee with the /ulr^cft of thcblef* 'ling of the powerful Gofpel ofctbe Lord Jefus GhriA,Amen, And

.’vvedo believevve fhall not.wa.nt thy pay ers , nor .the praycn o f all the faithful, that we may keep faithful to the end , fo that our God.may be glorified,his Church and People may be refrelhcd and re/oioed.atid wejnay recei.vefijir Reward w/tfy chi reft.of tft*Lord'« Lambs.