Soon after 1 was at the Chriftenig ofa child ( as they call i t ) at which, time God was pleafed to convince mee of the evil and falfenefs of that piece of Worship al fo.

Tnen was there in ihs nation a pubtique faft proclamcd, and by nuns invention there was a form of prayer made and appointed to bo read in cvery atl'embly that fall-day, & this was a third convi&ion that] had about their formal outfide way of worships 1 had then .in opportunity to come into one of thofe affemblies that falt-day while that prayer was reading at which prefentthis thought came ftrongly upon mee: Is this a wor­ ship in fpirit and truth which thy foul ( when it is upon the wing with God) cannot joyn with all j for I could not joyn with the words then read in that tormolt prayer.