Oh ) • his;,Majefly, that one Captain William El­ k/den of Lime ( formerly well known unto him) with his Brother John EUefdeny ( by: means pf CplonelZfo/Ze/z Keymes of: Wadden in Dorfetjbire ) had conveyed over, into France, Sir John'Berkley (now Lord Berhjey) in a time of danger. To this CapA tain therefore his Majefty fends the ColoA nel, who lodging at his houfe in Lime, took: an opportunity to tell hitn^ That the Lord Wilmot had made his efcape from Worcejier \ that he lay priyatply; near to him j< and that bisLordfliip had earneftly foliated him to ufe his utmoft endeavours to Iccure iiiin from the. hands of thepurfuers. To this purpofe he was:cpme totown* andaffured thes Captain, if he, Wpuld joyn ;in this, affair*