rti?Itetflpplicatiorf oi all the Sermon whi^i i s . foodfpt' my faith to live upon, although 1 fufs jfer as jan evill doerl.I mentionit with admiratte on, that the Lord even) then when he fpake peace unto me after my beirig convinced of * Separation, fliould -lay alfo piovifion againft1 Exfiommunicatio.n. r 1 h. . ,r But non after my convittidn of. Separation* it troubled me very much, becaufe I knew not how to avoid it: nly fear1 was left I fliould be conftrained to live in it, had I prefently comitf off, : I fliould have madeabreach there. They pretended fo much love urito me, as I ‘knew riot which way to break this' bqnd,- which the Apoftle calls the bond of perfe&nefle*, where­ fore I refolved to,wait upon the Lord, for the opening a way unto me, .which lie did after