depondaftce ohlyr*ion-thatrimiotftry ■ x^ ithoilo hearing any other." /■' I; . i . ! t But when theyfaw ’that I could not be taken oft fcofri thisipra&ice, they began-to.quhrrcrll • with mcyr telling me that Twas' contentious* that it was bcighth of fpirit ,imd fo by little and < lietle eftranged-; themfelvek.v But the WorU' was;a;light unto iive> and fo evident, as if itihad bfeeri appomwd oh purpofefot dire&ion ^ thejr themielviek being judgeSjVinfomuciH as fome of them asked me whethcr, I did not life to vifit Mr, JPordir, J •» >P,:m taf.A .. r; As for Mu\Stohtbamivt declaixid-inhjs'pubi1 lique miniftry oft'ehtimcs^'/Thatic'^aKfoutof the way; of .Order, tb heaf "aayfrotfrcrriAiniflxh-* 1 ; when our own' officers?prekhed,’ : that u&blfefr fitlgwas. to.be ejipe&ed i»;futh a way '^ aiidif ib be thfcre:;.weredny. profit xfoiiVec ^■ it waifcde-*'. lufion^ff tempbtion,-yea a judgment xifX3Hd/ ; upohvfudi a;fdalc{. it was agoirigout < of the bofome ot • Ghrift into tiie; ISofome ‘ o f ftran-t , gcrsj Rebellion' ngainftiChrifti and i tlwt'fucH / muft be id&dcWitft as‘T faytors’ond Rebellti:* rit « 'A t len^rhi.’fofty aday^Ptnnhiliationf\va^ appointed for die difordefly’walking of fome,: ana thatwith)6Mini(^^'tnd-gtheiiaU.f'>vili‘) ;'i t vHcreupoA il j^ent-unto<'Mr; >isr«»<’///W^ ko know for^ratiepdthk fafttwas'thtende i^'Whether it*, was 7. fhould: remote/the ociaftonyi-tiefol v^ihg“rwfth' .