x i v ■ -‘v.5 ^ whicbi the Lord had: madc fd profitablc Mfttlo mee, and with’all gave hifritny grounds fo'r.thac pradfcice;At lerigthat the dofe of our^ifeoWfej he faid,we fliould ink difagree about itj'andyie? fcftefwards M tfkwStevchAm was put Dponittp picach iand pray againft mee for this prance*;: v v :>;To take mee oft' from this pra6tiaalfo';wa$ Mr Sprague fent unto nie,by M rStfrieham'-thi very fari^ e day at themeetiiig?ntherEldcti told ' me* they hadhtwo things ^aifaftmeilctoi'F^ Contention ^ the other my h'fearing 'MrF<trde> whidi the church neither coul dinor .would bfruv ’ the Elder the, 'next'-dato‘ai^;thevbti(iiie&<>f' cententign was ended, told-mee thac hehad no­ thing againft; mee but my hearing Mif Fbrdt'. : vV-Mr Slade alfo ^and Me Rolkatmeto Jiiee as