had ;flie. <fone>vthey would'have xriadevher''las great a Iyer ,-as iny felfe',. thereby.MiJ:5/*f/cy . vVould have been freed from the trouble offra-t ming two indifferent bills of indi&meiitagainft U S i v V . ' I - . • : • ' • j ‘« : ' •■■>.■ J:: • ’ . I 3 2 . A ‘; ; V I-ui z.: Secondly, the matters about which they , examined me at that time were fuch as had been done and paft long bfcfore, fome yeares:fo that' if through weaknefle of memory >ihy tongue had tripped,how will it follow hence that / lyed fo egregioufly as to deferve Excommunication ? poiv could they be fure that ■/ made a ]yc'» though I had fpoken an untruth, ; unleiTe thdy knew certainly, that / fpake againft tny knovv-r ledger’" V - • . • / , *