me to try whether it were fo or no, which /did: in ray difcourfe/ told her, that they who1 had this 4fur ance knew how they came by it, that where there is aflurance, there is likewife adhercnct, a doling with thepromifes,the workings whereof will be evident to that foul which hath attained it, that therefore (he (hould do well to look to the ground of her confidence,and fee fare that (he had Scripture for it. What her anfwers were / (hall not here mention; but it feemes (he did not like this my plaine and faithful! dealing with’her, as appeares by her complaining of it to fome, who hereupon have now aceufed mee for being (ocenforious as to affirme that (he had nothing of God in her, which is falfe} yea,/ was fo unwilling to difhearten her,as that I told her,' that grace was in th chidden man of the heart,znA not aifccrnable many times where it is, though afjurance hath alvvayes its evidence. Had I knovvnc that they had been' offended with me > for this, JT fliould have given them a toll Account of what pafled between *us, whereby they would have knOvvne the truth of what was reported concerning her: this had beenefarre better then to accule mee for it fo many yeares after.