T o . ^ K 'e ^ e n T . ' yptk& nlw jtotjhom fow ^ I m ay^ they Xhjyel ehdtaKietirtfd' to -deprive', n k to f'm y Qaok fittfticy^ 1$bi$b' i t; * f more, wo^th .then., riches. ^ J a n d th iw ^ iin •tfleemt: ifrltfc-.it, frffe -,; . , c ^ f ndstba't they w ilt d i vtfxt,'hadshey:,po^>frr/^.thei/^ai\dsj. the',Lord khtikes'! ; ; i t' is .$9 % (f w x d • thM 'thty iW'bo^bMvA 'lie fy tlf* fo ttbdrd (0 Smitejvi(t> th tg M g y e i : * > / # vrtJr.exbMk.WAfd j o -.(trike witb^t bi-band.,,when cccafton p)dli ferv.h a, -The Papifls^ .^ben ■ they b ad put a Cap. upon the head o f J o h n H u l i e * on which were painted [everall ugly d e v ils , prefebtfyiSifter ca ft 1nipli.nl oth0 j c : i f that which was his lo t\ and the lot^of. other fervants o f Cod > be m in e , the w ill o f the Lord be done : Jt is m j refolntion to part with all ^ rather then t t p t r f t k f y fc l fc - fa fy p s

the c w in ijle rs o f Chrifl in"this N ation , that you would take my cafe into yeur fcrious con f t - deration » and call Mr Stucley to an account ,

forch is diforderly [m i ting his fellow-fervants * . That you , who have fo evenly declared again (I Separation , and charged it as a duty on fir ay* crs to returne into the fo ld o f Chrifl , woutd.cn-‘

-by d e fw - ’ Kgatsfb the a j J^uhY'affd.. cn d$yo tti£ \'o j

ibofc who have dealt fo outragioufly'Svlit) i t s - upon no other account then our leaving tbem>

■ and returning unto yo u , as it will appeare in 'the following N arra tive and Vindication^ from