' ' 2, Mr. Stuclty doth not in plain tertiies deny it. And thdtieh that which follows conccrning the unquietncjse ofhisfpirit about my not Re* penting may imply a deniall, yet • s it is f that which he hath in a manner ac-’•knowledged in pag. 10. of the True Account, in thefe words,//rve had difcharged our duty fooncr on the tyar, rve might have prevented the others, f a l l , her disobedience Andperverfenefe o f fp irit. ■ As for that he profeiieth,' he had no quiet •in his Spirit, that a Perfon Ihould lie.fo long fufpended,and give no E videnct of Repentance, but the Contrarie &c.