There is few things that haue beene done of Late that haue occationed more variety of opinions then this Late Act and most is vnsattisfied with itt, because itt seemes to Crose what either party aimed att in hauing absolute power in the Church. This Kingdome5 hath giuen butt an ill proofe of there good Gouermentt when either had dominion either Presbiter or Bishop & because neither would willingly yeeld to other therfore[,] to reconcile both[,] the King by aduice of his Great Councell hath taken that Prerogatiue vnto him-Selfe wch I thinkes Suites best with a Pious King and the Title belonging to him of defendor of the faith & neuer had itt more need of defence then when itt meets with so much oposition as itt hath done of Late[.]

[T]hough the great cry of Presbitterans is that Christ only should rule in his Church yett I am nott Conuinced, that [84] when they had the greatest power[,] that they imployed itt as they should. [F]or though all must Confese that in there time Scandalous Sins were more Supresed then they haue beene Since. [Y]ett whether or Noe rebellion may nott outt weigh any other guilt or bee the occation of that Liberty that from all partys hath beene too much practised <since> may bee the question.