Though the occation of this days retirement wch I haue weekely performed euer since the death of my Deare Sr Iames who died this day <off the weeke>[, a]nd therfore I sett itt apart to indeauer as farre as I am inabled to bee humbled for the Sins of my whole life past[, a]nd to bee feruent att the Throne of Grace that my Life for the future may bee so spent as Looking for that blesed hope and the glorious apearing of the great God and our Sauiour Iesus Christ. Yett[,] to quicken mee the more to this duty[,] heering that a Gentleman of good esteeme that Liues aboutt Brighon hauing some occation to go to Edenb this weeke, crost the watter well enough (as hee seemed)[.] And as soone as euer hee came outt of the Boate fell downe dead vpon the Sands[, a]nd was taken in to the Haws1 beeing the Neerest howse where hee still lyes till his friends come to take order for his interrment. The sodainese of this Gentlemans death is a fresh excittement to mee to prepare for my owne. And made mee resolue on that wch before I was vndetermined of, though solicited to doe itt by Mr Cooper for whom I haue a great respect as [263] hee very worthily deserues.