Most reverend father in god, right trusty &c right entirely beloved we greete you well. Forasmuch as the abuses 8c extravagancies of preachers in the pulpit have beene in all times repressed in this Realme3 by some acte of councell or State with the Advise and resolucion of grave and learned prelats,4 insomuch as the very licensinge of preachers had beginninge by an Order of Star chamber the 8th day of July in the nineteenth yeare of the Raigne of kinge Hen: the 8th: our noble predecessor. And whereas at this present divers yonge students by readinge of late writers 8c ungrounded devines, doe broache many times unprofitable, unsound, seditious, and daungerous doctrines to the Scandall of this churche 8c disquietinge of the State 8c present government; we uppon the humble representacion of theis things unto us of theise inconveniences by sondry grave 8c reverend Prelates of this churche and also of our princely care 8c zeale for the extirpation] of scisme 8c discention groweinge from theise seeds, and for the setlinge of a religious 8c peaceable government both of the churche 8c state doe by theise our speciall letters straightly charge 8c command you to use all possible care 8c dilligence that the lymitacions 8c cautions herewith sent unto you concerninge preachers be duely 8c strictly from henceforth observed and put in practise by the severall Bishops in their diocess: within your jurisdiction. And to this end our

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pleasure is that you send them forthwith severall coppies of theise directions to be by them speedylie sent 8c communicated to every parson vicar curate Lecturer5 and minister in every cathedrall or parishe churche within their severall diocess. And that you earnestly require them to imploy their uttermost endeavours in the perfourmance of this soe important a businesse, letinge them knowe that we have a speciall eye to their proceedings 8c expect a strict accompte hereof both from you and every of them; And theise our letters shalbe your sufficient warrant and discharge in this behalfe; Given under our Signet at our castle of Windsor the 4th of August in the xxth yeare of our Raigne of England fraunce 8c Ireland and of Scotland the fifty six.