But youlr Perfaöion heightens others Crimes, And you reprbch while you inform the Times. Which fad advantage you will fcarce believe ; Or i f you muft, you do conceal and grieve* You fcörn fopoor a foil as others ill, And are Proteöour to th’ unhappy ftill j Yet are fo tender when you fee a ipot, You blufh for thofe who for themfelves could not. You are fo much above your Sex, that wc Believe your Life your greateft courtefie : For Women boaft, they have you while you live A Pattern and ä ReJ>rcfchtatlve. And future Mothers who in Child-birth groan, Shall wi/h for Daughters knowing you are one. The world hath Kings whofe Crowns are cemented Or by the bloud they boaft, or that they flied : Yet thefe great Idols o f the ftoopirig crew Have neither Pleafure found, nör Honour true. They either fight, or play } and Pov.-er court, In trivial anger, or in cruel fport* You, who a nobler Privilege enjoy, ('For you can fave whom they can but deftroy) An Empire have where different mixtures kifs; Y ou ’re grave, not föur,and kind, but not remifs. Such fweetned Majefty, fuch humble State, D o love and reverence at once create. Pardon (dear Madam) thefe untaught Effayes I can admire more fitly than I praife. Things fofublime are dimly underftood, And you are bornfo great, and arefo good, So much above the Honour o f your Name, And by negleö do fo fecure your Fame ; Whofe Beauty’s fuch as captivates the Wife, Y et only you o f all the W orld defpifc ; That havefo vaft a Knowledge fo fubdued, Religion foadorn’d, andfopurfued ; A W it fo ftrbng, that who would it define, W ill need one ten times more acute than mine 5


Yet rul’d fo that its Vigour manag’d thus Becomes at once graceful and generous ■, W hofe Honour has fo delicate a Senfc, Who always pardon, never give offence ; W ho needing nothing, yet to all are kind, W ho have fo large a Heart, fo rich a Mind } Whofe Fricndfhip ffill's o f the obliging fide, And yet fo free from Tyranny andPride; W ho do in love like Jonathan defcend, And ffrip your felf to cloath your happy friend } Whofe kindnefs and whofe modefty is fuch, T ’cxpeö fo little and defervc fo much ; W ho have fuch candid worth, fuch dear concern, Where we fo much may love, and fo much learn ; Whofe every wonder though it fills and fffimes. It never to an ill excefs declines ; Bnt all are found fo fweetly oppofite, As are in Titians Pieces Shade and L igh t: That he that would your great Defcription try, Though he write well, would be as loff as I, W ho o f injuriousZ,eal convi<3ed ftand, T o draw you with fo bold and bad a hand;

But that, like other Glories, I prefume You will enlighten, where you might confuim.