C i E S A R . You employ, Ptolomy, fuch Crafcy Words, And weak Fxcufes as your Caufe affords *, Your Z-eal was falfe, if kwerc afraid to fee W hat all Mankind beg’d o f the Gods fhould be : And did to you fuch fubtleries Convey, As ftole the Fruit o f all my Wars away *, Where Honour me engag’d, and where the end W as o f a Foe fubdu’d, to make a Friend , Where the worft Enemies that I have met, W hen they are conquer’d I as Brothers treat: And my Ambition only this Defign’d , T o Kill tbeir Hate, and forcethem tö be kind; H ow blcfta Period o f the W ar’t had been, If the glad W orld had in one Chariot fcen Pompey and Ctefär at once to have fate Triumphant over all their former Hate ! Thefe were the Dangers you fear’d fhould befal *, 0 fear Ridiculous, and Criminal! You fear’d my Mercy, but that trouble quit, And wifh it tarther ; you have need o f it. F o ri am fure ftrift Juftice would confent 1 fhould appeafeKowe with your punifhment. N ot your RefpeSs, nor yOnr Repentance now, No nor your Rank, prcferves you from that B low : Ev’n on your Throne I would revenge your Cuilt, But Cleopatra’s BJood mtlft not be fp ilt: Wherefore your Flatterers only Icondemn ; And muft expeS you’l do me Right on them .­ For what in this I fhall obferveyou do, Muft be the Rule o f myEftecm for you :

T o

c?o T o the great Tontpey Altars now creö, And to him pay, *s to the Gods, Refpeö. By Sacrifices your Offence expel, But have a Care you chufe your Vi&ims well. Go then,and Whilft you do for this prepare, I muft ftay here about another Care.