And 15 not the flate of. Schi/llhlliie far morodcfp": ratc and dangerous I Tllis man commitrcth (pirieuall Tre.lfon againfl , Ihe Dilliitt t.M4ieHJ, by his daily co~· municating in Prayers and tyee., with the Preaching Members of an erroneous Church I Gods defigned Ad. uerfaries: How then can he ex pea-, with his fo much gauled ConCciencc"to arriu; to Heauen without extraor· dinary achof Mercy to the poore, and other workcs ~I

Duob dicnco

agAl'lit Pur,~aloTJ' Il1 Piety in thIS world. or of Cut: fcrmg molt exquifit,e and invtterable torments In Purga· lory? Confidering God is iul!, and feuerely Chafhzeth\ euery Gnne, committed againlt him, Behould ( (ayth he by his Prophet Ifay) J will bt rt'uenged vpan I1J} Ent1l1JtS, 6-'Will comfor.t my P(t't in their

denrulliolJ~lfo.I. And agamc:: God fLail rAJllt }n4res of !Jeri'll' /,011 jimltrs; Brim{iIJllt, \?itp, tempeRMolls 'Winds, flu/be Ib:, portion of their Curpe. PJIl/. ~ 1 .•

Poore wretch ( ] m,an¢ poore Sthi(matike) how wilt thou be able to Cuffer theCe infuff'erable paynes, and thi.s g"iJ'IInum. F 40 for

for auny yeares at ~he bOlf; chait if. if fiualty thou d,o in, true Repcllcan¢o of th, for. mer s.hif"'~'k,,1/ Oourio , wh() with Cacba.Jlx;iety, toyle, 8c impatiece. art .CQU Romed too endure tho pa yne ,of the tooth.ach, or other torment ill this world? And. :is the'schi{mitliY fo fcn(ibl of a lide payne in this lifeJ & yet hopes he fhall not be 'enfible of infinnly greater paynes in the life to come?