Workes ifAlmes-dceds,and lIeh other "mons ofM erey ~ as

hereafter in fhi.! Jbort TreA1ift !Pi! more fully 6e proued. r}'o,.kes o!thiJ1I4/ure are Il1fonly 0J/e~ which is 10 he po~retl into" Repenting ,(oule ~ whoje full [a I ifamon for its former [illiteS I is

mt! Jtlllccomplilbtd; Gods [acred Word 4jfurfth ytlll,

that you may-buy Heaflm with Good \Vorkes: Venite pomd:ete pU.ltum vobis regnumj

E(uriuienim~ & dediIbs miducare &c. ~\1atth.2). c....Mucbl morethen, mayyouwith Gooli, \Vorkes ( dyed in the b/oud if! ot~r S411iuurJ and ?Jt)! otlur'Wifo) huy Dill thepa)'nen/l)urga'to.-

6 ry.