For the rest our society with a few additions and subtractions is much the same that we had when here formerly-only I find it much pleasanter now being in better ease for enjoying it-John Mill, Leigh Hunt and Mrs Austin remain my favourites. I know some Elliots acquaintances of David Aitken [whom Eliza married, 1836] who are very agreeable people.- By the by did Mr Aitken tell you what a frantically affectionate reception I gave him at Craigenputtoch-he looked rather fearful for the consequences to his cloth-I shall never learn to give up these outbreakings of the old woman in me from time to time-the other morning when MrTerrot [later Bishop of Edinburgh] came in (who is to carry this) I sprang into his arms and I believe almost stifled him with the ardour of my embrace-He returned it however with more sympathy than

was to have been anticipated. I have wondered at my audacity ever since. for the thought of such an attempt in a cool moment would have made me quake. For God's sake write and tell me what everybody in Edinr is doing-especially my own relations whom methinks I ought to know something - ][ so seldom hear out of Scotland-My Mother is most scrupelous about putting me to the expence of postage-I shall be down perhaps next year-and then it will be hard if I do not see you-But will you never come here? I declare to Heaven there is nobody except my Mother I should welcome with such delight-After all you are the only right female friend I ever had in the world-the only one I can to all lengths and without the least misgiving talk nonsense to-and that I consider a pretty good test of friendship-... your truly attached Friend - Jane W Carlyle ...