This is a collection of those verses of the Holy Qur'än which din'ctly ami e/ear/y relate to what in moderntimesis termed as "law".

The Holy Book of Islam is the first and the foremost source of lslamic Jaw. Jt is, hov,:ever, not the only sourcc. Sunnah (Prophet's Traditions) constitutes its seeond source. Then, there are legislative tcchniqucs-cunH;ources of law, like ijmil,. (consensus of jurists), qiyiis (analogical deduction). 'ismah (verdicts of infalliblc Imams in the Shi'a law), istibsan (juristic cquity) and ma~äli[l al-mursalah (public interest), etc. This presentation is confined to the Qur'än and is not cancerned with the sourccs of law other than the Qur'än.