The original answer was that pilots should make decisions by considering a range of options, evaluating these options on a set of evaluation categories, judging how each option scored on each evaluation category, perhaps assigning different weights to the categories to reflect their importance, totalling up the results, and finding the option with the highest score. This can be referred to as a Rational Choice strategy (Klein, 1998). It is widely taught in business schools and schools of engineering, and for many years it has been taught to pilots. One popular version is the DECIDE model (Benner, 1975). The six steps of the prescriptive model of decision making are to:

1. Detect that an important change has occurred. 2. Estimate how that change will impact the mission. 3. Choose a safe outcome. 4. Identify plausible courses of action. 5. Do ( execute) the action that was chosen. 6. Evaluate the effect of the action.