A categorical framework is a specific category system of a P-language that describes the structure of the world perceived through the language community by categorizing its entities. There is one kind of category system that deserves special attention: scientific taxonomy. Different languages may divide the spectrum in different ways and thereby have different colour predicates. C1, C2, and C3, of colour predicate in three different languages L1, L2, and L3. C1, C2, and C3 divide the spectrum in such a way that no colour predicates of one set match up with the colour predicates of any other set. The extensions of C2 can be imagined to be distributed along the spectrum so that 'rorange' matches up with the shades of both 'red' and 'orange', 'ygreen' with both 'yellow' and 'green', and 'bpurple' with both 'blue' and 'purple' in C1.