A similar thing happened when we tried suspending the rules. In 1984 we had a scenario that talked about SIS a barrel oil. (Bear in mind that in 1984 the price of a barrel of oil was S28 and US was the end of the world to oil people.) We thought it important that, as early in 1985 as possible, senior managers throughout SheIl start learning about a world of US oil. But the response to this scenario was essentially, "If you want us to think about this world, first teIl us when the price is going to faIl, how far it will faIl, and how long the drop will last:'

Strategic Management

ket, the environment, or the competition. The starting point, however, must be the mental model that the audience has at the moment. If a planner walks into the room with a model on his computer that he has made up himself, the chances are slim that his audience will recognize this particular microworld. If the target group is a management team, the starting model must be the sum of their individual models. How can this be done?