Then again called [the Pharisees] the man that was blind, and said unto him, Give God the praise: we know that this man is a sinner. He answered and said, Whether he be a sinner or no, I know not: one thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see [John 9:24-25]

‘TIME ceased’, became no more, for Thomas Totney on the 23 November 1649:

after fourteen weeks in humiliation, in fasting ... and praying divers daies, seeking earnestly to God ... the Lord came upon me in power ... [and] fell upon me in my shop ... overpower[ing] my understanding, and manhood, wisdom; which is indeed the very Devil in man, and this Devil did the Lord cast forth of me ... and [he] smote me dumb, then after blinde, and then dead, in the beholding of hundreds of people; then I was corded and bound in my bed ... and my sufferings were unexpressible: then I saw the sufferings of the body of that man, Jesus, my brother ... I [was] made hands, feet, food, eyes, and clothing to many ... emptied of temporalls, but ... filled with the eternall being, which ... loved me with everlasting love ... then I saw the great light shine in me, and upon me, saying Theaurau John my servant, I have chosen thee my Shepherd, thou art adorned with the jewel of Exceliency ... this saying or voice speaking I heard when I was with God in the High and holy Mount ... [Thus did] The Lord [speak] unto me by voice: whose Voice I heard, but saw no appearance, and He changed my Name from Thomas to Theaurau John.1