E uropean jurisprudence. Extensive use w ill be m ade o f the Special R ap p orteu r’s reports in order to dem onstrate the value o f the role o f the Special R apporteur in offering m ore in-depth understan din g o f religious con flict and vio lation than the barest outline available in the H um an Rights C o m m itte e ’s review o f State reports or the specific instances considered in in dividual com m u n ication s. T he Special

R ap p orteu r’s reports offer, in the U niversal context, a better apprecia­ tion o f the dynam ics o f the freedom o f religion w hich , it w ill be argued, are all too often o verlooked in the decisions o f the E uropean in stitu ­ tions. It is im p ortan t to be aware o f em erging trends in religious in to l­ erance and to heed the w arnings that can o n ly be discerned from an exam in ation o f situations w orld w id e in w h ich the w idest variety o f

cultures, religions and values interact. It is suggested that the E uropean C o u rt m ight take into accoun t, far m ore than hitherto, the different sources and guises o f intolerance evidenced globally and an tici­

pate m ore fu lly the im plication s and potential reach o f its decisions.