Item peyd ffor a dosyn bordes to the carych Item peyde ffor ij plankes for lasses Item payd ffor iij gyse & haffe a spcr Item peyd ffor neyles Item peyd ffor ffreytyng of the weyles Item peyd ffor wryght notte & the beyrech Item peyd ffor iij stryke of wyete Item peyd ffor ij eyrdes & a hauffe of f!axson clauth to make meyre madclentes coute Item payd ffor bakyng of godes brede Item payd ffor beffe to oure general! Reyherse r spend over the shoute 1 Item payd ffor glaues to the pleyers Item payd ffor ssetteng op of oure stepoll & ffor tember Irem payde ffor the pleyers breykeffaste Item payd ffor dreynke to the pleyers [& poters of ye carych] Item paid ffor geyldeng of godes ffase & ffor peynryng of the geylers ffasses Item payd ffor dressyng of the chauernes & ffor ye as Item peyd ffor the menstrells wages Item peyd ffor paynryng & gyldyng of the pleyeng geyre Item payd ffor gryndyng the wyette lrem payd ffor ij cot·des Item payd ffor soupe Item spend at the bryngeng vp of oure charych Item payd ffor wyne to the barkers Item payd to the potters of the carych Item payd ffor drenke to the potters of the carych Item payd ffor the marchantes ware Item payd for wypcord & pake thryd & chonchyse Item payd ff!oures Item payd to the lade for leydeng the as Irem payd ffor [beyche] beyryches !rem to god to mare madeline to martha to Iodas to vj chelder of csaraell to keyffase to anas

the to kneythtes

ij s. viij d. viij d.