This conclusion presents some closing thoughts on the key concepts discussed in the preceding chapters of this book. The book discusses empirical research on childhood, adolescence and adult heterosexual interpersonal violence, in order to fashion a particular critique. It explores the relationship between gender, identity and interpersonal relationships. The book discusses a number of studies which begin with the assumption that males are typically seen to be more assertive, competitive and aggressive whilst females are considered to be more nurturing, empathic and passive. It also argues that female criminality is most often explained through a discursive manoeuvre which renders violent women either 'masculine' and dangerous, or 'feminine' and harmless. The book also suggests that male children and adolescents expend a great deal of time in observing and practicing various behaviors. Hegemonic masculinity is strongly implicated with heterosexuality. Homosexual masculinities must necessarily come at the bottom of masculinity hierarchies.