be ttwnge run to man:tI)at top" bt part anb time to fololb£ tl)tS fpnfull mOllor f~lf"lItO tbitl} all bp, t£S.~o t1)£ lb1)tc1)c purpOrt It [11 rapn tn rcch:Qaftll cis in p. J:iit. <lCl)apVtour. (l:)r tl)at toucl)etlJ pvt(l}e in brrpnge ti) etof: fiJall take fome tOtbcIJ e of f01br~ , ntS. 3no 1)£ tl)at is c6panveo \l:Ittl) V p~ouDr: {baU fpnne fome appnrcll o~ clotl)pnge of p~pnc. ([anti tofav£tl)e troutl)e:itta a tl)pngt lmpo{fpblC rl)at, l)c abvnc longe in goon ttJcrkrs tl)at often frrq:w} utI) lbitl} cupU pcrfonrz. ~nn f02 fo mocl)e fa)'tfJ tl)c pfalml'(te/llJttl) tht l)olr7tbou (l)alte fpnt ~ tue bolp/anD \birb p rupll: tl)ou fiJalte fpnDe tl) r (t1rl~ ann fo as rurll conilerrarvon i~ nopfaunt \J hurt ,:- full:rpgl)t Co i~ tt)c goOD companp gOOD tt p~of}"rt;~ ble) f~2 he tl}at fvnnctl) goon companp: frnOrtii( f}rltl)fuU lrfe ann l)abounoaunt on r)'cIJcz. ([:tnn fo~ a true oeclaraclon; belwe betarl!' t':)(: r full (doomc it is fren: but a man brcomctl] go,;D o~ eupU: afttr tbe (,ompanp/ rol)crc l}e is' CtltnrfJ'~ nell. ([3!nn as faptl) eapnt leromctl)e benc£> d