There is much already written relating to the disaster control plan (in its entirety or to aspects of it): theory, guidance and advice; see, for example: Alire 2000; Anderson and McIntyre 1985; Ashman 1995; Doig 1997; Dorge and Jones 1999; EmmS 2001; ICA/PDP 1997; Kahn 1998; Matthews and Eden 1996; Matthews and Feather 2003; McIlwaine 2006; Short-Traxler 2005; Society of Archivists, Scottish Region, Disaster Preparedness Working Group 1996; TNA 2004; UKIRB n.d.; Wellheiser and Scott 2002. A bibliography of disaster literature, 1985-1995, gives details of over 40 titles under the heading, Plans and planning manuals (Kulczak and Lennertz 1999). Many disaster control plans and templates are available via the Internet (see links, for example on CoOL (2008) and M25, Disaster Management Working Group (M25 Consortium of Academic Libraries 2005) websites).