The detailed, considered analysis of the geopolitics of the Frankish states and their enemies, his obvious love and concern for his patria, and his reflections on the nature of historiography itself have all endeared him to modem scholarship. A further reason for the appeal of William of Tyre is the tantalising question of his lost historical work. The origins of the Seljuk confederation are to be found in a rebellion against the yabghu by one Seljuk ibn Dukak, member of the Kinik tribe of the Oghuz, which occurred towards the end of the tenth century. omne consistebat peculium - nusquam agriculture dantes operam, emptionum et venditionum ignorantes contractus, sed solis permutationibus vite sibi comparantes necessaria. The arrow chosen at random bore the name of the Seljuk family. In the same fashion, new lots were then drawn for a hundred of the most distinguished members of this family, which produced the name of Seljuk, who was then elected king by acclamation.