Iqbal is amongst the most influential Muslim thinkers of the 20th century who realized the great significance of the problem of modern science and tried to appropriate it. In his preface to The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam he gives reasons for embarking on the project of reconstruction of religious thought. His first lecture is titled "Knowledge and Religious Experience". This title looks very apologetic and even heterodox form the view point of traditional orthodoxy. Copernican revolution has threatened to submerge religion. Modern physics and astronomy have proved inimical to religion. Modern physics and astronomy have proved inimical to religion. Modern physics has proved unfavourable to belief in miracles, in providence and in human freedom. Iqbal's great synthetic genius is displayed brilliantly in his approach to the traditional doctrine of the finality of prophethood. His great efforts to reconcile two separate epistemic and cognitive universes – of traditional Islam and modern West – are stretched to limit.