This chapter presents some preliminary results from a literature survey of munici­ pal policies toward migrants in some 24 European cities and Tel Aviv. The core of the survey comprises information gathered in 17 cities during the m p m c project. Additional cities were added on the basis of existing literature and secondary sources, including several other multi-city research networks.1 This ‘database of local policies’ provided the raw material to develop a theoretical framework for comparing local policy reactions to labour migrant settlement. The result is a typology of local policies affecting labour migrants in various policy areas (including labour, education and housing), classified according to each local author­ ity’s attitudes towards its migrant population. Five basic types of local government attitudes are proposed, based on the concept of Host-Stranger relations as explained below. Such a framework will enable us (a) to compare what appear to be very different kinds of policies in a bewildering variety of local situations; (b) to relate these policies to a common explanatory context (Host-Stranger relations) that can be applied to all the cases.