Uganda is a country with an estimated 22 million

people, 88% live in rural areas (Ugandan Bureau of

Statistics 2002) and 5.8% (over 1 million) are esti-

mated to have some form of disability (MGLSD

2002) As a signatory to the United Nations Stan-

dard Rules for the Equalization of Opportunities

for People with Disabilities (UN 1994) and the

World Programme of Action Concerning Disabled

Persons (UN 1993), the Government of Uganda

has made efforts to improve the inclusion of dis-

abled people in mainstream society (main-

streaming) and establish national community-

based rehabilitation (CBR) programmes,

throughout the country. Mainstreaming disability

is reflected in a number of policies and strategies

in Uganda, which include the introduction of

inclusive education practices within the Universal

Primary Education programmes, the appointment

of a Minister of State for disability, five disabled

members of parliament, and 47 000 disabled coun-

cillors at district and sub-county levels.