The present church is an amalgamation of two previously existing church fellowships. In 1990 it had a vision to reach out to the community in practical ways and set up a care team, working particularly with the unemployed and elderly, and a soup kitchen for homeless people. The home groups of approximately 12–15 people form the basis of the church. Data is presented to support the argument for an interrelational dynamic which begins to explain the nature and function of contemporary glossolalia in this church context. The focus of the observation was the sermon and the use of spiritual gifts, especially glossolalia. The first began in 1974 after a Christian outreach in the city and met in a home as part of the House Church Movement of the time. In 1976 it numbered six members but, over the following few years, it grew to 30 members. Data analysis was completed with the assistance of the Nota Bene Orbis programme.