During the excavations on Irininskaia Street in Kiev, six circles of burntred subsoil clay were found.2 The diameter of the circles was about 2.5 m and the distance between them 5-6 m. Study has shown that these are the remains of lime kilns. One of the kilns was well preserved and it was therefore possible to study its construction (figs 35 & 36).3 The kiln had the form of a cylindrical shaft, with an internal diameter of 2.6-2.7 m. Its walls were built of brick with clay. The dimensions of the bricks were (3.5-4.0) x (25-29) x (33-35) cm. The thickness of the walls was about 60 cm, i.e. two bricks wide. The height of the preserved walls reached 14 courses of bricks and their internal faces had been clinkered by the effect of the fire. On the south side, at the bottom of the kiln, there was found an opening 80 cm wide, broadening slightly towards the outside. The side walls of the opening were 1 m long and 30-40 cm high. The base of the kiln was made of clay, fired to depth of 5 cm. At a height of 70-80 cm from the bottom, the internal walls had a ledge (which is not shown in the published drawing).