Sarah establishes a discourse of Blackness as 'raced' and gendered in opposition to the institutional lack of recognition of her gender. She shows us within the context of postcolonial Britain occupying the third space of hybridity between identifications in which 'Black woman' is possible is both politically and culturally subversive. This chapter explores the regime of racialized and racializing bodily schema emanating from whiteness and Blackness through women's talk. It discusses women's negotiation of this regime as a speaking back to dominant discourses in order to show the discursive and interpersonal construction of 'Black woman' within the third space of talk through translation. Within this third space skin is a frontier. Hybridity though still contains essentialism within it because of speakers' use of racializing translations of the tropes of, for example, kinship, community, 'race', roots and politics. It is through these translations that the subaltern can speak within the interstices of identifications.