Churcl1e of England. tian tbe ~ounc(1l at ([~alc(tlOt1C : ant) hllJ£u llluftnc tIJe f)tteUfic IJab a!leallgtO fo~ autbo~itte,n.([:ountel1 'WbtclJ£ as l)ec tbougbt, fi)oulOe masc fo~ him: ~lctOlll IJls aOtlCttfattc to confute {Jim ) ~(H US (quoo bee) \Ubat <!emp£tour COllllUaUll~ lJeO tgat <lCo unc£U to be callell~~be fame ~ietome againc inf)ls <fpttapbe bpolJ ~aula, mallctb mention of tiJe tempe:: tOUts letters, ml)iclJ( gam commaunOe:: ment to tall (bc lDprU)Oppcs of -3ltrtlie anb (!5tccta to tl\OlllC to a <lCOllIlCel.Q:Oll:: tmuallpcfo~ tile fprice of hue ljunl)~(tiJ peatce , ~gcOlp£wut~ nlone appotntclJ tbecclcfiaLlicali affLmbliee)(ml.l caUctl tl)C !£oullccllcs of tl}c 15pffi)ops togmJcr.