An Apologte 'ofdle I}ome it is no new tl}!t1g ) tlJoll£iJ at tl)f9 Ilap tije t~hgion of <tl)~di b~ mtcttcimO \l)ltb tlifpit(S ann Cl}Hl\C S, lI£illg !Jut In:;; teJp tcnO~co anO as It 1\lct£ comming bp ngatllC a tlc\ll , fo~ fomucl)c as tlJ( Ipi\c tRtlJ clJnUl1CeO lIotl) to ~l)~ln y'pm fclfe nntl to bis 3!polllcs:pet llCucrtl)cl(iTc fo~ fcatt:l!e mapc futfH~ POUt felfc to be leil