Kaivalyapada, which consists of 34 Sutras. The Sutras can be understood in the context of the Samkhya view of the universe. The Samkhya philosophers believe that Purusha and Prakriti are the two ultimate realities from which everything in the universe is constructed. The Samkhya philosophers compare the pure consciousness of the higher self to the light of the sun. Samkhya points out that though the ordinary mind and the body are unconscious and operate on borrowed consciousness of the real self, they begin to believe that consciousness is their own property. The ordinary mind is made up of three psychological functions of intelligence, ego-sense and understanding. When all mental modifications are eliminated and infinite wisdom is achieved, the knowledge of the ordinary mind appears to be trivial. Patanjali describes the connection between discriminative knowledge and enlightenment. Discriminative knowledge leads one to stop confusing the lower with the higher self.