Yoga first appeared as a system of philosophy between 500 and 200 BC. Its main ideas are presented in a text called the Yoga Sutras, composed by an Indian sage named Patanjali. There is an interesting story about Patanjali and how he created the Yoga system. The name Patanjali is a compound of two words: pata, meaning a leaf, and anjali, referring to the gesture of folding hands in prayer. The third book the Yoga Sutras, dealt with the physical, mental and spiritual exercises required to perfect the total person. Utilizing the principles taught in the Yoga Sutras to create complete harmony in the body, emotions, the whole person can be perfected and the spark of divinity residing at the core of one's being can be realized. Through physical postures different parts of the body can be perfected in order to defy the ageing process; through the breathing exercises, and through the meditative exercises, the mind can be disciplined.