Mifter Btflrj feeing thefc things fall but as (hec had foretold, dcfircd h4ttD tell hiW'&tnfl:mb»<T-9^ b °ffro - phefics s Mafter* fttd fltf, hrfQfth that and Trinicie Church meet* they (KÜlfbuildoo fhpdajfrafld it (hall fall in tbfidgln,uiHUlrtie^^tthfth»gJw ft ftßae of Trinitie Ch urcb*to be th rlow eft ftoijo. Q if P#V bö ige , then the d#jr. wilLoQmrwfcflwitbd North! IwÄ .fpe it wonJroBi far«» but the Sßuthdiöllfud ic& rcV f^nose* W henH aw ki#teoflcold bateh lk>ne«,’andt roarry Ladycs,snd bring them home, rWfl ifctU have a ycwr of pyniog huaaan aqd then a dsfffb, wjriih put CoriWiiA wosfidldajr anallhefijtti ia $dg/4Hda& ahdQ^cföe^the# rft cofcamingbfthfKiBg o£/W*f-ßwl be at 2&,{pwTa«?ne,but he Hull not tom e through she b.irre,«»d When tbc lC n^bf the N o ah fliiil b ce^ t faffden Bridgejbis Tayle fheUbe UJUM imgk < After J$£b lhall waptr dome ovct^Sh ffh ildp^ and ■ aW iodrtyll &?fl he fee on * Tow er,and an Etoe^twedhaU ly e *c fl*Pty m a o 5 d o o re ^ a t^ tim e women fiull weate grew hafts and great hsndf.BadwbOc there i*4 Lord Major e t ^ k k t hm b cw * ft t£ m > S A cM ^a two Knigbk&ftlX 6 jl out ifljt&f C d U e y w d ^ t ^ & t f f bctae'fetn. ti*4W their H*gge hash hdnw ff W> y w c s C r d p f ir»m r,iai?cn ytaros after ?Ou* hfa*£ pewc^ilwBcifliaJltwo ludge* gwr^iodnd out «t.'AÄag«t* httSB.s.-; r!r,(f hfi<;.: -ji: ■ !:: ’ "v.. ;{.70>

( i f ) ftu ilb ea man Gttmg wpoa C hörtte WS Wfc} pkg hü fill i And «Act c n t t Ship ciBm ^ o a f e iA 'a ii T h « * « d ll i t come agaiaftX#*««^ iff the Ship (hill wccp«, 1M ! the M im nert (h iU lik t Slid why hecw eepcth,beinghe h u h mid« fo tooti.|-y*yi age, and he /h ill fay} A h what a goodly Q tie th tx # » ^ none in (he world corapnaWle to k / ahd now (hue is fcarcc left any houfe that can let os hare drinkc fiM out' money; •' • ’> r. <

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. . . .> i I, «, }■ >n . T rffiwrj ' !.’ ' ' : 5 ,70«;!/. Sffj

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