Her bad alenoü forgot her Lordfhip LhtUtwy that r^rt'iwif with the Creat Scale, her was never the wifcrman fofthat» no^. never the honeflcrman, to play the knave with thcm'fhndeak; fb well with him i bar ber have not much ro ßyjto her, , her hayehuc little acquaint knee with her, oncJy r ite M tö ro b a , feWe, for her knowcs what sa the reward Of l w k -d b Ä tf then ber*fdfc. . r ^ ^ i V : t

. And then there is the Lord Ahf/»», a man o f tnettaU^and tf wife miOiOr elfe he fhould bei for there is not on^h&rbefweeflf her aa ilb e ik y^ t ispitty her was evvvr engaged m Kx^Ytrti lire V her wasiayoe to fell her honetty tobttyheni pefrW/g ^ fhönö * Titular Sttt<»ie.ai»d'aoMr'her is glid'«o>hAf> her Hoofeaod Land behind bfr, tod cafty rttohiii^wirH befbtir b*r periwig, whi-b' ii but lijht ofearrit^her miVc^rry it whi­ ther-becwill *ithfier» excepther com» to Jjimh*,' »MtHtf» her muft V»cdowi^bucbM.Jhioke'hardlyber wi1i cbri* there,’ UreweU frott, tf her narer dome »j^ine i W i,1 Bbtbin£ Joft.'