IaHHttrf, others in Marsh, therefore her will deliver her fence concerning that point, and fay/that jn her judgment the yccrc begins in March, and that for thefe her wclfh rcafons: Firft, be-; caufc according to her rules of her welch a rt, the firft day . o f ,

- In tliis Moneth her fhall have fair weather if it be not foul y in this moneth alfo is a very good time for her to cat Leeks and ;;

' Onions, cfpccially in her-wclfh'portage, it wjll moke her good • piood, and Will dean je her veins from excrcmcntuous humours: -in this Moneth her is fearful divers of her cofcns and couri ttyv ' men will bc in great danger; by rcafon of fome malevolent Pla-

: moneth, hcrCountreymch arc in'rauch danger, of which her is

teady to give tlicm warding, whieji-ber praycs all .hcrCöuntreyracn ip take in citric for u, her do not take hee.'dbbtlfell intime, it will be v,’;Vde tor her ■’ and thcröfpre< if. her love ihcr

•neckpewsreapbut this time, creat plots and cOnfpiracics ate.like to he found oüt,*biit hope, though her bcc riot leffrfistc, that her honcfl countrcymcn wilhave nothing to do with fuch deeds o f datknefs, for her own part, her do' declare her thudgement freely, her t hink* it bdfand fafeftto fleep in a whole skin, and her fay again, arid again, tat för hcr'pwn part, let whol’c neck w il tonic into a halter, her i* rofolvcd to keep her neck out, . if her can-for her do wel remcinber, tat it her head Iconcc cotten in, its hardly cottcn out again quickly,* tor her own father was a "Slicntlcman o f cood quality, for a Welfliman; and was flioakf with a halrer, and yet her was no plotter nor confpiratoi', but a fery h oneft flientleman o f cood repute among her neighbors, only her borrowed five yoke o f Oxen of her necr kinfman

■ Rice. ap Hu^ w ith o u t .her confenr*which rgisfortunc, her can** not attribute to any thing but tier deftinie and malevolent ftarsj; •

■andtereforc her fhal concludetifsmoncths Obfervations with te words of a wife man, .v«. He tat pt\\>ares not; pefire, /W pee forrj afterwards.' ■ ^ ‘ ‘

esfprills .Okfervatitns» ; Tifs monctli pegins te firft day, according to tc fhudgcmcnr of; the ancient, and for her own part, her is o f the fame ihudgetncnt,and tat for t^s rcafbn,'pecaufe as her humbfy conceives, tcrcisa new blpon tc feven day,.»poutthree quartirs o f an' hour paft three o f tc dock in tc morning; and'dux her think a ■ liew Moon can pec'madc in lefs time than feven days,' andfomc few odd hours and minuts ? Truly her thinks not for. her owno

.part, neithci duz her pclieve tat tc befl: or moftskilfullcfl: in aüle her country can make one new moon in twice tc time, let her prate what her wil, if her knows nbt tc Law hcr.duz but lofe her

■•'"■" - ■ ■■ ' ■ ■ ■ nicute.