A certain man was desperately concerned with security, so he surrounded his house with a high perimeter fence and installed an expensive burglar alarm. He still was not satisfied, so he made the walls thicker, the windows smaller, and where the roof overhung the front entrance he put battlements from which he could look down on any visitors. When he had finished the alterations his house looked like a miniature medieval castle. Then he read in a history book that many old castles which were too strong to be taken by assault had been captured by treachery and, fearful of this, he resolved never to let any other person into his home, even though it meant he had to do all the cleaning and internal maintenance. Then he heard on the radio of someone who lived in a similarly fortified house being mugged when they went to the local store, so he decided never to go out but to have all his goods delivered through the letter box, which he enlarged for the purpose.