In the month of July, 1832, Miss Anning obtained from the indurated marl of the lias limestones near the Church at Lyme, part of the head of the Chiroligostinus1 figured in the third plate. Happening to arrive at Lyme the same day, I was fortunate in availing myself of the specimen. Accompanying Miss Anning the next morning on the beach, she pointed out to me the place whence it was brought. Persuaded that the other portion of the skeleton must be there, I advised its extraction, if it were possible, but Miss Anning had so little faith in my opinion, that she assured me I was at liberty to examine its propriety or otherwise myself. Hereupon I waited upon Mr. Edwards, the owner of the land, and request permission to throw down as much of the cliff as was necessary for such intention, which he very handsomely allowed me to do.