When I received your very gratifying invitation to be here this evening, I accepted with the greatest pleasure. It is always a pleasure for me as a Lancashire man to do anything for Lancashire, and there are so many points of similarity between Oldham and my native town of Bolton that is particularly gratifying for me to visit Oldham. There is in most industrial towns some opposition to Art Galleries. Many business men look on Art as ho stile to business, as destructive to the common sense view of business, and likely to place themselves at a disadvantage. In short, they regard the revival of Art as a monster that would come between them and their business and swallow up the fruits of their industry. I believe that in the early days of every Art Gallery this feeling is manifested, but as time goes on people are grateful to the founders of such galleries, as you in Oldham are grateful for the foresight of your townsman, Dr. Yates, the founder of your Art Gallery.