Ky.2 Hail to thee, Lord Paieon, ruler of Tricca, who hast got as thine habitation sweet Kos and Epidauros, hail to Koronis thy mother withal and Apollo; hail to her whom thou touchest with thy right hand, Hygieia, and those to whom belong these honoured shrines, Panake and Epio and leso; hail ye twain which did sack the house and walls of Leomedon healers of savage sicknesses, Podaleirios and Machaon, and what gods and goddesses soever dwell by thine hearth, Father Paieon; come hither with your blessings and accept the aftercourse of this cock whom I sacrifice, herald of the walls of my house. For we draw no bounteous nor ready spring; else might we, perchance, with an ox or stuffed pig of much fatness and no humble cock, be paying the price of cure from diseases that thou didst wipe away, Lord, by laying on us thy gentle hands. Set the tablet, Kokkale, on the right of Hygieia.3