(7) thefueklingofherowneehilde cheparc ofa true mother J of an honen mother, of a iutt mother,of a fyneere mother,ofa mother wor_ rhy ofloue , of a mocher dderuing good re· port,of a vcrtuous mother, of a mother winning prai{c for it? All this is alfented co byany of good vnder~anding. Thercforcthis is :illro a (Prtct pt,as for othcr dutics,fo for Tb;, of mochers to their children;which faith, wQat-Philip ....... (oeucr things are rruc, whatfoeuer t~iqg' ~re hondl,whatfoeucr things are iuli, whaifoe-. uer things are pure, whatfoeuer things be wor· eh y of loue, w natfoeuer things be of good report) ifchere be any vertue, if there bee O1ny praife , thinke on thefe things, thefe· things <loe and the God of peace fluH be wirh you..